
Exercise is a normal part of my life, and running is at the core. I schedule and plan my other workouts around my runs, aiming to run 4 days a week with an additional 1 – 2 days of cross training. If I’m not running I enjoy biking in the summer and swimming in the winter. On cold, wet days or feeling the need to do something different, I’ll stay home with my girlfriend Jillian or head to the fitness center to use their cardio equipment and weights.

I do various resistance/body weight exercise at home, as well as yoga and Pilates as time allows.

Regular exercise allows me to maintain my healthy weight, gives me more energy and more confidence. I sleep better, find that I am sick less often and have a more positive outlook on life in general. I’ve gone through different periods in my life where I exercised regularly and times when other things got in the way. I know without a doubt that I always feel best when I’m active and working out on a regular basis.

Life didn’t always use to be this way though. You can read more about my weight loss and journey to better health here.

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