Overnight Oats

I discovered the wonder of overnight oats a few years ago when my mom came home from a cruise and described something she and my step dad had for breakfast. It sounded so yummy I recreated it at home and make it pretty regularly. I LOVE overnight oats, especially in the warmer months when I’m not in the mood for a bowl of hot oatmeal. Ava enjoys overnight oats too. I found organic strawberries on sale yesterday and knew overnights oats were in my future! 😀

It’s worth noting that among the fruits and vegetables that you should buy organically, strawberries top the list! Conventionally grown strawberries are one of the most pesticide laden fruits, and you cannot wash it off, even with a fruit and vegetable wash.


1/2 c rolled oats
1/2 c milk
1/4 c LF vanilla yogurt

Here I use unsweetened vanilla hemp milk, but I’ll also use soy milk or almond milk, whatever I happen to have in the fridge. For yogurt, plain or greek would work too. If my milk is sweet then I use unsweetened yogurt, or vice versa, otherwise it’s TOO sweet (sweet milk AND sweet yogurt) or not sweet enough (plain milk and plain yogurt). One sweet and the other unsweetened is the perfect combo for me.

Oats and yogurt.

Add oats, yogurt and milk into a bowl and mix until well combined!


Cover and put in the fridge overnight. I’ve also made “overnight oats” in the morning and have found that they have soaked up milk and have softened up in about an hour!

In the morning, top with nuts, fruit, granola… whatever you like!


Here I’ve topped mine with a Tbsp of ground flax seed, 3/4 of a banana, a couple of cut up organic strawberries, and a sprinkle of homemade granola for some crunch!

There a million different ways to do this, it’s fun to play around to keep it fresh and new fresh!

One Response

  1. […] know alot of you make overnight oats and I have always been curious about it- and then I saw that mamaweeds had made a post about them- and her pictures looked SO good- and so I decided to give it a […]

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