It Was Ladies Day

So if Saturday was Ladies Night, that must make today Ladies Day! My same group of girls from Saturday went to the zoo together today – except we had the little ones with us and were therefore double the number. 4 adults and 4 kids. 1 : 1 – always a good kid : adult ratio in my book.

Although our nasal passages weren’t pleased with us, we visited the birds upon our arrival this morning. I was a little shocked to find these guys RIGHT THERE, feathers and all, not held back by any cage or fence, just a couple of free birds.

No Fence

Maxine wouldn’t stop saying how stinky it was and asked to leave, so we did – but we were followed!

Bird On the Loose

This picture was taken from the other side of a glass door. I would not stand there like a dope taking pictures while being stalked by a giant lunatic bird. Oh sure, everyone in the back there is smiling in that picture, but smiles turned to nervous laughter as they worked escape without letting this renegade bag of feathers reenact The Birds.

Maybe that’s why they weren’t caged? The zoo is hoping he’ll eventually follow someone home and they’ll be rid of him? Well I’m not falling for it.

Moving on.

Ava was impressed that this rodent ate popcorn like she does.

He Eats Popcorn Too

Speaking of eating, before we knew it kids were crying and we realized it was time for lunch!

Picnic Lunch

We enjoyed a picnic lunch in the sun, brought my salad – To Go style.

Salad Profile

A little dressing…

A Little Dressing

And tossed! I’d like you to believe that I’m winking and flirting with you but really I was squinting from the sun. The flirting sounds much more interesting though so let’s stick with that.

Not Winking

Tossed and perfectly coated!

Tossed Salad

After lunch came playing in the Zoo Animal Clinic for Kids.

Dr. Max observes an x-ray and thinks things are looking sort of grim for this little bugger.

Looking Grim

More zooventures, waiting for orangutans.

Waiting For Orangutans

Waiting for orangutans makes me hungry! Fortunately I had a lovely concoction of dried apples, raisins and walnuts to tied me over.

Trail Mix

A long day at the zoo – and Maxine is done.

And She's Done

But there’s always a little energy left for a quick playground stop on the way home.

Zoo Playground

Why yes she is wearing a different dress, thank you for noticing. That’s what happens when you drink too much water and mom doesn’t double check if you have to go potty before we leave the zoo. Now we know.

Tonight for dinner I had Mary and Tina’s Black Bean Chili with Bulgur on the brain! They both gave it rave reviews and once I realized that I had almost all the ingredients for this recipe I knew what we’d be having for dinner tonight.

I didn’t have any bulgur so I subbed the fabulous psedo-grain that I happened to have on hand; Quinoa!

I diced and sauteed a small red onion and some minced garlic in extra virgin olive oil until soft. I added two 15 oz cans of diced tomatoes, 2 cans of rinsed and drained black beans and then about 3/4 c of rinsed quinoa. My spices were oregano, paprika, chili powder, roasted red pepper and cumin. The quinoa cooks pretty quickly and this was ready in about 20 minutes.

Cooking Quinoa Chili

It turned out great! I topped mine with diced avocado just like Mary Girl and Tina Baby. A perfect topping.

Black Bean and Quinoa Chili

Now I’m off to have nightmares about stinky bird attacks while the giant popcorn eating rodents use my air popper and don’t even try to save me.

22 Responses

  1. i’m impressed that rodent eats popcorn too….

  2. You’re hilarious. Thanks for making me smile! πŸ™‚

  3. That Black Bean chilil with avocado looks so good!
    I love going to the zoo, haven’t been in such a long time!
    Your daughters are so cute!

  4. O snap girl! I saw that salad, and i def Liked! πŸ™‚

    The zoo looked fun, minus the birds of course. (making scared face, because i’m thinkin about the movie “The Birds”) ahhh scary.! thehehe

    the girls looked like they had fun at the playground tho!

    nighty night! πŸ™‚

  5. You girls are too cute! Haha, sweet dreams! πŸ˜€
    Dinner’s looking oh so good! Why haven’t I thought of beans and avocadcad combo?

  6. Looks like a wonderful day!

    And dinner looks awesome! ‘

    Happy Dreams! πŸ™‚

  7. That chili looks aaaamazing – I am going to have to make that! I love your kids – I know I say it everytime you post pictures, but they are seriously adorable.

  8. We have been talking about taking Snuffy to the zoo forever! Everytime we make plans to go, the weather failes us. It looks as though you guys had a great time though! Hallelujah for 1:1 kid to adult ratios.

  9. Ooooh did the quinoa work well? Or would it be best with bulgur? I have a freakin 10 lb bag of quinoa to use up!!

  10. She is so cute! I happy to see that you guys did not get eaten by the birds, cause that would have been bad!

  11. That looks like the funnest day ever! Zoos are so much fun (despite the stink…haha! πŸ˜€ )

    Love your dinner too! I need to buy some quinoa soon…yum!

  12. OMG! The zoo makes me so happy! We need one in Albany! Ha, yeah right! I love the Bronx Zoo!! All the kids are so adorable!

  13. hahaha i love the shout outs- mary girl and tina baby! very nice. im so happy you tried out the recipe πŸ™‚

  14. hahaha you crack me up. I’m so glad that you tried & liked the chili! It’s really good. I like how you substituted the bulgur with quinoa…yummy stuff.

  15. Wow you are even healthy at the zoo! I am usually eating the fried plate of fries and chicken strips with a side of cotton candy. That chili looks amazing; I am going to try it. Did it make you fart?

  16. Quinoa chili sounds so unique and delicious, thanks for the idea! I love going to the zoo… and I am almost 22 πŸ™‚ Enjoy your day!

  17. Hey… stop winking and flirting with me!! You are a gorgeous gal but I don’t swing that way! LOL! We just went to Jacksonville to visit my sister-in-law and went to the Jacksonville zoo. You’r zoo excursion looks identical to ours! Including the creepy birds and tired kids by the end of the day! UnfortunatelyI wasn’t smart like you. I didn’t have a delicious tossed salad. I had the only vegetarian option I could find…. Dippin Dots. Yeah…. I had to go there 😦 I’m following YOUR lead next time!

  18. that chili looks sooo good…i might have to make that too. i knew you were flirting with me…don’t deny πŸ™‚

    yay for the zoo! our small zoo is free and i need to hit that up some day. happy days to you!

  19. I have all those ing on hand too…. I guess I know what’s for dinner tonight too…or else tomorrow…bc I have leftover roasted eggplant from LAST weeks’ parm adventures!


    I like your flirty winky smile! too cute!

    my hubs saw your zoo pics and said..that settles it… now we have to go to the zoo…SD style! THANKS for inspiring HIM…I would love a Zoo day! Ha

  20. Haha. What a fun day. I love how children get so excited at the zoo. That chili looks great. Think I will make that tonight or tomorrow. Thanks


  21. “Maxine is done” – too cute just plonked down like that!
    Bravo on the packed salads – I love the zoo!! And that quinoa looks bomb – I’m making some this week and am excited for its reappearance in my life πŸ™‚

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