I Will Never Make Banana Bread Again

Oh yes, this post has definitely changed my life.

I saw this post yesterday from Gena at Choosing Raw and immediately went down and cut up two of my last three bananas and put them in the freezer.

Tonight after dinner, it was time to take them for a spin.


Holy banana whip.


Seriously. This was SO good. SO amazingly simple and so UNBELIEVABLY delicious and creamy words can’t even describe. And what you see is what you get. It was just frozen bananas in the food processor for about 3 minutes. Banana magic.

I did a little googling to see what else I could find before I got started. Turns out Banana Whip is also in the Urban Dictionary… if you are modest and easily embarrassed don’t click here.

All I want to know is… what is a “Van Dell”? Or maybe I don’t want to know.

I found more (appropriate) info here and here too.


It tastes like soft ice cream, I am not kidding. I can now scratch “ice cream” off the list of reasons why I’m not ready to go dairy free yet. There a million different fun things you can do with this too if you felt adventurous. Adding nuts, peanut butter, coconut, cocoa powder, pour into popsicle molds… oh the possibilities!

Ava sampled it, immediately asked for a bowl of it and then came back for seconds. I ate my dish, and then with the little bit that was left in the food processor I put in a small scoop of peanut butter to make PB banana whip. It was great good but honestly I think I liked it better plain!

The only thing I have to add would be that if you don’t have a beast of a food processor, you might want to chop them up into small pieces before freezing them. Or let them thaw slightly to soften up a little before starting the food processor.

I have a heavy duty full size Cuisinart and these frozen bananas made my food processor DANCE across the counter when I first turned it on. It eventually settled down but it made me realize smaller chunks probably would have been better.

Thank you Gena for sharing this recipe and turning us on to this fabulous raw dessert!

I will never again look at an over ripe bananas and think “hmmmm, maybe I’ll make banana bread?” And I’m already wondering how I can incorporate this into breakfast. 😉

13 Responses

  1. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=van+dell here you go! 😉

    I was JUST thinking tonight I want ice cream but would probably blow my daily consumption of food right out of the water.. this is perfect. Going to have to try it with fresher bananas 🙂

  2. Hahaha.. I love urban dictionary! I’ve also heard of banana whip. I haven’t tried it yet, but I have two overripe bananas sitting in the kitchen. I may give this a spin tomorrow for dessert!

    Check this out… There is a post about Banana Coconut Gelato from Battle Banana (you have to scroll down a little). It looks amazing and it’s dairy free! I think you might enjoy it. Banana and coconut are an amazing combination.


    • Oooo Elizabeth that gelato does look good! I’ve got my bananas in the freezer with my eyes on the shredded coconut for tonight! Yummmm…

  3. Oh, that needs to be made in my home, stat. But I fear my little mini prep cuisinart may not cut it! I think I saw kids lining up for this stuff at Disneyland recently!

  4. I broke down lats night and had a bowl of ice cream (haven’t had in a very long time). I always have to put bananas on it and last night put fresh strawbarries. This would have been much healthier then the ice cream. Yours looks like it needs fresh strawbarries. Now i defantly have to run to town today to get more bananas, for my banana whip tonight w/ fresh strawbarries.

  5. I was just thinking earlier that I need to buy myself a new food processor so that I can make homemade nut butters.

    But this, I think, even beats the nut butter reasoning. That looks absolutely amazing! Whipped bananas? YUM!

  6. Wow! That looks awesome! Too bad bananas don’t last long enough in our house, ever.

  7. I don’t actually like bananas but my hubby and kids LOVE them. I bet this would make for a great dessert this week after dinner! THANKS!

  8. Yum!!! Can’t wait to try this.


  9. Just made it last night and even my husband (who wont try ANYTHING healthy and new) loved it. I for one can now say no more icecream!

  10. […] Alison – loved it). Actually Alison has been a big inspiration for me – I also made the banana whip I saw on her blog and she reminded me of yogadownload.com. I made some low fat/sugar choc muffin […]

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