Another Marathon Day

Today is Ms. Maxine’s birthday – my “baby” is THREE!

I woke up just before 5:00 today and swapped out today’s a work out for gift wrapping and decorating. I love the kids birthday’s so much – I find so much joy celebrating the day of their births. They are without a doubt my two favorite days of the year.

Dining room decorated and her new pink tutu and dancing shoes wrapped, I figured it was appropriate to make the same green smoothie I made the morning of the half marathon to help power me through this marathon day!


Green smoothie polished off, I was off to Wegmans to pick up some helium balloons and a few last ingredients for her birthday cake today. 6am is absolutely the best time to grocery shop, I swear!


Yes, I had to get TWO – lest World War III break out this morning.

The downstairs is now filled with Happy Birthday banners, streamers and balloons – now we’re just waiting for the Birthday Girl to rise from her slumber!


Today is going to be a marathon day because it is also Ava’s first day at her homeschooling “school” and given it’s a parent co-op I’ve got a bunch of things I need to do this morning before we leave. Tonight is Maxine’s birthday party and we’ve got a lot to do to get ready for that as well! Zak has the day off from work to be my slave spend the day together as a family.

This is the first birthday in the history of the girls birthdays that we are NOT doing the huge birthday bash. The big birthday parties are fun but preparing a meal for 40+ family members and friends, party favors, drinks, cake, dishes, party prep, recovery… it’s stressful not to mention expensive! I finally realized that I actually want to ENJOY the anniversary of their births. We’re having a small gathering here tonight with close family for cake, ice cream and presents.

One big project I do enjoy is making their birthday cakes! Maxine’s 1st birthday cake was the first I ever made and it’s now my tradition. I probably not the best role model for healthy baking, overt your eyes if this offends you!


I am using organic whipping cream, flour and eggs – but everyone is going to get their daily dose of butter today that’s for sure! Good thing kiddie birthday’s only come once a year. Or, in our house – twice a year. But who’s counting.

Hip Hip Hooray I love birthdays!

29 Responses

  1. Happy Birthday Maxine!! I love birthdays, so exciting with balloons and cake, looks like a fun day ahead of you! Enjoy it!

  2. Yay! HBD to Maxine. I LOVE my kid’s birthdays, almost more than my own. Have a great day and feel free to send over some of that cake – all of that butter might make me run faster.

  3. Happy Brithday to Maxine! Sounds like it will be a fun day 🙂

  4. Happy Birthday Maxine! I can’t wait to have kids…celebrating Birthdays looks like so much fun! haha. I don’t think I ever got to comment on your half-marathon post, but Congrats on an awesome race!!! I’m so glad that it went better than you could have imagined! You are an amazing runner!!! 🙂 Have fun today!!

  5. I love my kids’ birthdays and I agree, the huge parties are so hard! Plus, now my kids want friend parties not all the adults! Have a great time and enjoy the cake, butter and all! 🙂

  6. Happy Birthday Maxine!

    Mama D has always baked our cakes, and it’s so special. Your girls are going to have such fond memories of it.

    I know I have told you this a million times, but I think you are raising your girls the best way possible! You seem like such a great mom.

    Have a good day love!

  7. Happy Birthday Maxine!

    Have fun baking! That sure is a lot of butter… 😉

  8. Happy Birthday to your little one! It goes by fast, huh?? 🙂

  9. Happy Birthday to Maxine. But also wishing a happy day to you, too, Mommy Alison. For all you’ve gone through, for all the sacrifices you’ve made, for all the joy (and tears!) your children have given you, for the miracles you’ve created and helped to shape by your presence and being at home with them….this day is big for you, too. Lotsa love going out to you and your fam! xoxo

  10. Happy Birthday, Maxine!!! I hope you guys enjoy the day. 🙂 Are you as crazy as me and look at the clock during the day remembering back to when you went into labor and when she was born? I do that on every birthday. 🙂

    I hope Ava has a fantastic first day of school, too. 🙂

  11. BIRTHDAYS are the best days EVER…. I can’t wait to see your cake! Butter does not offend me…nope not one bit.

    I so hear you about scaling down the parties…JJ’s next one is going to be much different. His first birthday was NOT a good day for me and I never want to feel that way again.

    I want to enjoy my families birthdays too….

    well, MAMA you DO have a marathon day ahead.
    so glad Zak is home to help you

    big hugs your way!

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX! yeah for butter – no birthday is without it. birthdays are a time to celebrate, so enjoy your day and maybe just one picture of the birthday girl? 🙂

    love you!

  13. Happy Birthday to your BABY!!! I too am a September baby… although I’m not much of a baby any more… I’ll be THIRTY on the 19th!! Ahhhhh! Can’t wait to see how the cake turns out!! You’re such a great Mommy for making it for her- FROM SCRATCH!

  14. Happy Birthday to Max!! I hope she has the best bday yet!!
    How exciting must it be for her to come downstairs on your birthday and see all the fun decorations a wrapped present?! Oh to be 3 again. Sigh.
    I can’t wait to see the cake! It must be massive with all the buttah!!

  15. Happy Birthday Maxine!!!
    I just caught up on your half marathon post – congratulations lady! That is seriously amazing and such an inspiration when I have a big race (big for me at least!) coming up! So awesome. And such a great re-cap – although needing to pee would have killed me!

  16. happy birthday to max! and i love the houndstooth carseat by the way. have fun baking!

  17. Happy Birthday to little Maxine!!! Dang, that’s a lot of butter! Mmmmm sure makes for a tasty cake! 😀

  18. Happy Birthday Maxine!! Did I ever tell you that I love the name Maxine because that was my family’s first dog’s name?? Hah, not to compare your sweet child to a dog – but Maxi was a pretty kick arse German Shepard who used to haul my little brother over the snow in an inner tube when he’d throw a dog toy across the yard.

    Maxi’s are special and I hope yours has a super awesome day! They will definitely appreciate the traditions as they get older, especially the home made bday cake! YUM!

  19. Happy Birthday Maxine! I love the balloons.

  20. Happy Birthday to Maxine! As you know from my baking last week – I can relate to eating lots of butter at birthdays. Like you I’m lucky just to have a couple of birthdays a year to deal with.
    Hope it’s a great day – sounds like it will be.


  21. Happy Birthday to Maxine!!!!! I love you all!!!

  22. awww happy birthday maxine!!!! that is so exciting. im excited to see what it feels like when my kids have birthdays…im sure its such an awesome perspective from a mom’s point of view, no?


    I hope that Diva had the best day EVER!!!!! I can’t wait to hear about it, and to finally see that beautiful b-day cake that you will be baking! 🙂 give her tons of hugs and kisses

  24. Happy birthday to the baby!!! 😀
    I love birthdays, cakes, balloons, and presents. Hope your family have a great birthday dinner. Oooh, can’t wait for more pics. I prefer small celebrations over big parties – more intimate, more personal, less prep, etc.

  25. Happy Birthday to MAXINE!!! I agree with you on parties. Last year I stayed up unitl 5am preparing and then got up at 8am again. Mallard had people from out of town staying over and I had friends and family from out of town. We invited neighbors and co-workers too! It was great for Snuffy because she got so many wonderful gifts. But, I was too exhausted to enjoy the time.

  26. Happy Birthday to Maxine! How exciting. 😀 I love birthdays, and it’s always fun having an excuse to bake something for family and friends. 😀

  27. I hope Maxine had a fun birthday! 🙂 It looks like you had a blast! My boyfriend’s birthday is coming up tomorrow. I’ll be baking him up something delicious and having a party for him on Friday! I’ll probably have to stock up on butter, too… lol!

  28. Happy Birthday Maxine!!!

    I hope Maxine had a great birthday.

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