Question and Answer

What happens when you make juice but you take too long snapping pictures of it?

Green Juice Zak can't wait

It gets snatched.

What do you call a Chocolate Breakfast Cookie eaten at 11:30AM?

Chocolate Brunch Cookie

Chocolate Brunch Cookie.

What time to do you eat your curried chick pea sandwich and steamed veggies for lunch if you eat a Chocolate Brunch Cookie at 11:30AM?

Curried Chick Pea Sandwich Steamed Veggies


What do you take out the door for a snack so you don’t grocery shop hungry and buy everything and anything that looks good?

Out the Door Snack

Walnuts and Craisins.

What do you say when you get in the little brown truck at Wegmans?



Why are there hot, wet towels over those bowls?

Pizza Dough Rising

Waiting for the pizza dough to rise.

What do you say when you see your dough has risen nicely?

Good Stuff

“Awww yeah baby come to mama…”

What do you use for sauce when you don’t feel like tomato sauce?

Bone Suckin' Sauce

BBQ sauce.

What do you top your BBQ pizza with?

BBQ Pizza

Onions and mushrooms sauteed in BBQ sauce pictured above. And pineapple too except you didn’t have any. And then you were sad. But you ate it anyway.

What goes good with pizza?

Cooked Pizzas

Tossed salad, as pictured in the background.

What do you replace your salad with when you realize you’re not in the mood for salad?

Pizza and Grapes

The last little bottle of stomped grape juice from a couple weeks ago.

What happens when you drink from a wineglass in front of your 5 year old?

rice milk wine

She wants her milk in a wine glass too. Of course.

And after pizza and wine for dinner, what’s the next logical step?


Obvious. Sweet cream with a brownie smashed in from the new Coldstone Creamery that just opened up YESTERDAY right down the street!

Can you say WOO HOO?

Yes. Yes, I can. I did.

What do you do when it’s late and you’re in a wine, pizza and ice cream brain fog?

Write a post full of questions that you answer yourself.

Lettuce Go for a Bike Ride

Having gotten my run in last night, I was just plum in the mood to go for a bike ride this morning.

Pre Ride Plum

I didn’t want to go too far or too long because I had plans to hit up the Farmer’s Market at the end.

I rode around town and just shy of 40 minutes rolled into the Farmer’s Market about a mile and a half from home. It’s held in the parking lot of church and I always pay careful attention to where I park lest I’m struck dead by lightening.

Thou Shall Not Park Here

I soaked in the beautiful sites.



I enjoyed a little donut sample… a donut PEACH that is!

Donut Peach Sample

I filled my back pack with tomatoes, cukes, blueberries, peaches, plums, a green pepper and topped it all off with three heads of romaine lettuce.

Lettuce man said “That’ll be some salad!”

Yeah. A salad I’m going to DRINK!

Lettuce Put on Our Back Pack

Let’s roll. Or, better yet, lettuce roll.

Lettuce Ride

I got home and unpacked my loot and promptly sunk my teeth into this yellow guy.


And then I ate 3 more. Plums are little YO!