Daddy’s Home

Inspiration for today’s lunch came from a handful of sources.

A few weeks ago, Gena from Choosing Raw posted about using Dulse, a seaweed that is supposed to be reminiscent of bacon. It can be a great way to make a raw/vegetarian BLT. Heather mentioned it in comment yesterday too and it reminded me I had a package of it in my cupboard.


I looked for this at a couple of health food stores to no avail. Since it’s seaweed and therefore a plant, I was expecting to find it in produce. I finally asked and they directed me to the fish food sushi section.

Dulse tastes…. fishy. Not “fishy” as in that-dude-who-hacked-into-my-eBay-account-to-sell-designer-purses “fishy”, but more like fish tank “fishy”. As well it should I suppose. It is seaweed after all. It was also salty.

I decided to follow some prep suggestions on the package and baked it 250 for about 10 minutes to crisp it up for my DLT.


Sort of even looks like bacon, no?


Eating this straight up was pretty intense. I’m not a picky or skittish eater but I’ll be honest that I was wondering if I might be chucking my whole sandwich into the trash.

Two slices of toasted Ezekiel bread, organic red leaf lettuce, tomato, a slice of organic provolone and some mustard hiding under the lettuce there as well. And bacon dulse.


As part of a sandwich, it was pretty good. It’s just TOO INTENSE to eat straight up. I’ll find some ways to finish the package but at this point I don’t think I’ll be buying more of this. I mean, the fish need stuff to eat too. I’d hate to deprive them. Think of the fish!

And take note that as a veg I’m not looking to replace bacon in my life. This was more about trying something different and maybe finding a new fav sandwich. New? Yes. Different? Definitely. Favorite sandwich? Not so much.

Part 2 of today’s lunch came from my new bloggy friend Linda and her perfect sweet potato.

These sounded pretty promising, and I had a couple of sweet potatoes so I went for it.


Three little taters
All in a row
450 degrees
What do you know!

I didn’t poke
I didn’t slice
Just plopped on the rack
Isn’t that nice?


Holy caramelized sweet potato goodness! This puppy needed nothing but a fork. (That’s an interesting sentence.) I’m thrilled I’ve still got 2 1/2 in the fridge for the week.

After lunch we headed outdoors to play and “work” on our bikes.

Scooter and Bike Ride

When a piece of her scooter broke she said “We need goose tape”.

Scooter Broke

And then I accidentally spoiled my appetite for dinner with a bucket of watermelon.


A late dinner salad of organic green leaf, red leaf, chopped gala apples, mushrooms, tofu, raw cashews and miso dressing. Yes I had the exact same thing the other day.


And a couple of raw almond butter stuffed dates as I got the kitchen cleaned up.


And last but not least… Daddy’s home!

When I left them to run upstairs and disappear into the office, they were playing hide and seek.

Hide and Seek

Here is Ava was explaining how she found them so quickly. (Under the windsurfer sails Z-man brought home from the cottage this weekend.)

I Found You

I was hoping to get a bike ride in tonight but Zak got home too late and I’m whooped anyway. Delighted to get back to my regular work out routine tomorrow AM. Here’s hoping I don’t grow fins overnight.

6 Responses

  1. Oh I ‘m so sorry about the less-than-stellar dulse! But sweet potatoes are always good no matter what, aren’t they?
    Hee hee, it’s nice to see the kids so happy to see daddy home!

  2. those sweet potatoes look SO GOOD! yay for a fun weekend – i LOVED the fossil walk pictures. too much fun. your kids look so happy, and i also LOVED that ava asked for overnight oats. this may sound creepy, but i can tell you are a fabulous mom 🙂

    too bad on the dulse. haven’t tried it, and probably won’t soon – haha! im not good with things that are too fishy. however, that watermelon? HEAVENLY. yay for daddy being home – hope you get to relax a bit 🙂

  3. Hey girly! Thanks for the shout out! So happy you gave the technique a try, they really are the best fixed this wey aren’t they? No need to add anything, melt in your mouth delish just eaten plain. Oh and the little poem was too cool, made me LOL! 😉

    Glad your love is home. And LOL at the “goose tape” too darn cute!

    I tried making miso dressing the other day and I must have done something wrong, cause it tasted horrible. I could only eat a tiny bit of the salad and had to throw it out. Maybe I didn’t use mild enough miso, the kind I bought was yellow in color….I think that was the problem. I wont give up though….:D

    Oh and I found some of those jumbo dates….wow, those are tasty little buggers aren’t they? I’m gonna have to try stuffing with AB. Mmmm!

  4. woah – i’ve never baked seaweed before! i usually just soak it and add it to stuff like that….

  5. That sweet potato looks delicious. So happy your hubby has returned.

  6. I just bought some sweet potatoes; I’ll have to make them this way. The potato looks delicious! 🙂

    Enjoy your regular workout routine!

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