Longy Long Run

15 miles? Done! Phew.


Shawn, one of Zak’s college buddies up front in the red there, is my running partner. He’s training for a triathlon and we’re debating on doing the Rochester Marathon together, but his tri is a week after the marathon and he’s trying to convince me to do the Corning Wineglass Marathon with that’s a few weeks later but is about an hour and a half away from home. I can’t decide!

Our first leg was just shy of 9 miles and we came back to refuel and rehydrate.

I hesitated to use a PowerBar Gel for refueling, as this is the very essence of “processed”, but they say to use in training what they’ll be providing on the course, so with going on that logic I went with it.


These are thick and syrupy but there’s no denying they do the job.

Our second leg was 6.5 miles. We stuck with a 9:00/min pace almost the whole way and finished 15.5 in 2:20:28. The last two miles were pretty dang tough and we had to slow our pace at the end, but we did it.

I came back to eat some Fig Newmans. At that very minute, these were quite possibly the best things on earth I have ever eaten.


What a difference a running partner makes on long runs. I can’t get over it. It is so nice to have some company the whole long ass way. My legs were TIRED at the end but I’m happy to realize I feel totally fine now, with the exception of some major SWEET cravings all day.  I’ve been taming it with fresh and dried fruits.

It’s been a very random eats day. I’m just eating what I want as I feel hungry, but still working to stick to unprocessed and raw foods instead of just eating whatever I can get my grubby mits on.  Here’s a random sampling of things I stopped to take a picture of before I shoveled it in.

Nothing new under the sun.

Saturday Salad avocado_salsa

With Zak’s assistance we hacked open this young coconut and I made an iced drink with the coconut meat, coconut water, a few dates , agave nectar and ice.

young_coconut coconut_smoothie

Looks like an iced coffee! Tastes like coconut.

Fruit, fruit. And oh yeah, more fruit.

sat_berries sat_banana_whip

I broke into two of the new packages of Newman’s Own Organics Dried Fruit, dried apples and dried apricots.

dried_apples apricots

The apricots were good but the apples were by far my favorite! I’m not sure I’ve ever had dried apples before but I will definitely be buying more of these! They were so spongy and sweet. LOVED. THEM.

Got me some new kicks today too! I had a couple of coupons and saved a bundle. My old pair have nearly 350 miles on them so it’s time to start rotating them out. Asics have quickly become my new favorite running shoe. I use to be a Saucony gal but now it’s Asics all the way baby! Love new sneaks.


There’s no place like home! There’s no place like home!

7 Responses

  1. You’re a badass with that 15 mile run! Dried apples are so delicious. This post reminds me that I need new sneakers! I just found out that I overpronate (maybe this is why running has never worked for me) so I have to go spend some time at a running store, I guess.

    • The right shoe can make all the difference! You might also find the book “Chi Running” helpful, it helped me tweak my stride and make running more comfortable. I’ve got it listed in my reading list, it’s got some great ideas.

  2. Good Job! You are truely a wonder woman!

    I love Asics too…all I will wear. The Gel nimbus being my most favorite…never a break in time required. Love yours 😀

  3. Great job! I haven’t had a coconut in ages; I think it’s about time for one… 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  4. Way to go!! What an awesome run! And yay for all the wonderful foods you chose to refuel with. Sounds perfect. 😀 I haven’t tried those newmans own dried fruit, but I’ll have to pick some up!

    Love your new sneaks! I need to find myself a pair as well. I lost count on how many miles I’ve been tracking with mine, but I know its time overdue that I get a new pair. And considering how lost I am when deciding which brand to buy, I think I’ll check out Asics the next time I’m at the running store. 😀 I’ve heard so many good things about ’em…

  5. 15 miles!! you are amazing!!
    awesome new shoes too!

  6. Awesome run. Somehow I missed this earlier. If you wait and do the later marathon will he be too tired to run at the faster pace with you? If not, I would say do that one, so you can both have amazing races.

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